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Importance of date night in marriage | Is date night important in marriage?

Date night is a widespread practice of going out together as a couple.

But what is the importance of date night? Is it essential for your marriage? And how do you engage in date night as part of your marriage?

In this article, we will explore these questions and more.

The first section will introduce the benefits of date nights and what happens to marriages without them.

Finally, in the second section, we will explore some sources of information on people's thoughts on the importance of date night in marriage.

You will see what people say about the importance of date night in marriage to know if it's essential or not.

Date nights are essential in a marriage as they help you relax and spend time together as a couple. As the shared responsibilities of parenting and work pull you apart, date nights will help bring you closer to each other.

Moreover, the couple can get away from the daily tasks and responsibilities and enjoy each other's company.

There are also many benefits to date nights, including lower stress levels, better sleep, improved moods, improved love life, more excitement about monogamy, and increased intimacy.

All these things make for a happy marriage, which everybody wants at the end of the day.

Benefits of date night in marriage

It strengthens your married life:

Date night is a tradition that happens on at least one night of the week. Studies have shown that if couples do it more regularly, it will strengthen their marriage and prevent potential divorce.

Date night is a perfect opportunity to pursue personal goals together, and this creates memories. It lets you escape the day-to-day routine of life and try something new.

Research has shown that spending time with someone you love strengthens your relationship with them. Spending time together can sustain a marriage, a child's connection to their parent, and more!

You'll live a comfortable and happier life:

Spending time with your spouse can make you 2-4 times more content; this shows that couples who are involved in date nights are generally happier within themselves.

Women who spend at least one day of the week doing couple-time with their spouse are 7X more likely to be happy in their marriage than those who don't.

Without regular connection, couples are more likely to divorce their marriage: 

A study found that couples who connect at least once a week are less likely to get divorced.

Couples who make time to connect each week are less likely to split up than those who don't.

You will have a better family with your couple and children when spending time with your spouse.

Date night improves good communication in marriage 

Surveys show that couples with a regular date night are more likely to have good communication in marriage.

One of the most critical parts of a healthy marriage is open communication.

Couples who don't have a regular date night are less likely to experience open communication in their marriage.

Source: Thecouplescenter

Date night is essential in marriage for many reasons. For starters, they reinforce monogamy and strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

We all know that date night is a vital tool for strengthening a marriage.

However, they work to keep marriages together; they also help couples maintain their love life during difficult times such as infidelity.

Let's dive into the next section, where we will see what people say about date night in a marriage.

How often should husband and wife have a date night?

"If you want to keep your marriage alive, you must, must, must make a date night once a week," says Lyss Stern, the CEO of DivaMoms.com.

"Lying in bed watching Netflix and drinking wine is not going to do it,"

"If we didn't make a date night, we'd be two ships passing in the night. It would all be about the kids, the kids, the kids, said 'Lyss Stern".

Are date nights important in a relationship?

Occasional date nights can enhance a couple's emotional connection and help rekindle intimacy, researchers say.

Watch a movie, draw a candlelit bath, or create art together — the point is to do something enjoyable together, just the two of you.

Do you think it is important to have regular date nights when you're in a marriage and have children?

Below are what people say on Quora regarding date night in marriage.


Oh yes, it's desperately important. My first husband didn't believe in having time away from the kids - especially me - and I can only remember two evenings out for dinner in five years and one weekend away.

I really believe that, later on, it was instrumental in my lack of feeling for him.

Children don't understand that parents need time away to be "people", but they accept that parents get a babysitter in - granny or someone else - on a regular basis, especially if granny is a pushover lol.

Jennifer Hafemann

Yes. My husband and I try to get out at least once a month alone. It helps keep us connected. It doesn't have to be fancy, just coffee and dessert, but the time alone is so precious!

Jaleyesa Daniels-Minggia

It is VERY important to have regular date nights with kids..

Date nights allow you and your partner to just enjoy each other's company without the added pressure of being mom and dad..

It keeps the relationship healthy and lets your partner know that you're still into them… Without that alone time, you can get stuck in a rut of just being parents, instead of individuals…

How important do you think date nights are when you're married and have children?

Juan Garita

Absolutely! It is extremely important that you have time for the two of you whether you have children or not.

Your relationship is the foundation of your family and your spouse should be a priority over your children.

My wife and I are at a stage where we cannot go out that often so, a couple of nights a week, we put the kids to bed early and have a couple of hours for us.

We have dinner together, enjoy a drink, talk, watch a movie or catch up on our favorite shows. This is the time when we invest in our relationship.

There is a time in your marriage when spontaneity is not enough; you need to be very intentional about it and make the time for it no matter how tired or busy you might be.

Walt Huber

I have proposed this answer to several questions about keeping married relationships "alive."

We did set up a date night with each other. It didn't have to be going out to a movie, expensive restaurant, a concert, etc. (although that is not forbidden).

It was usually just sitting in front of the fire in the winter or on the deck in good weather sharing a glass of wine (or three), talking and sharing time together. Of course if the evening ended up with some kissing and cuddling, that wasn't a bad thing.

Donovan Minckler

Yes. It is important to have date nights without the kids.

Stay out long enough to stop talking about the kids.

Laugh together.

The rest will take care of itself.

Jayne Patton

Yes, absolutely. Spending time alone with your spouse or significant other is very important for your relationship. Adults sometimes need adult time, and you need to keep pouring love into the other person to keep the relationship fresh and healthy.

Linda Atkinson

Here's the thing: Nobody gives two thoughts about attending professional development to improve your skillset where your career is concerned, yet, many people don't do anything about improving and nurturing their relationships.

Whether it's a date night, or something else, it is important to nourish and inject energy into your relationship at different intervals.

Ron Polland

From your question, I get that you are a single parent who's gotten involved in a relationship. I don't know from what others are getting the idea that you're married.

Yes, it is especially important to let your kids know where you will be and with whom you will be and setting up a regular date night accomplishes both.

Also, if you have to call someone to watch them while you're out on a date, that makes it easier on you to find someone with whom to set up a regular schedule with them.

Children needs constancy in their lives, especially in single-parent homes and hopefully the person in your relationship is someone who likes and gets along well with your kids and vice-versa. Their approval is a necessary component to a successful new relationship where children are to become ac part of it.

Juan Espinosa

Extremely important. Dates with your significant other, where you stop being mom and dad for a couple of hours is very important for a healthy marriage.

Wendy Brown


When the children are grown and gone, you two will be all you have left. If you haven't spent any time together, talking and enjoying each others' company before that time, what will you have in common?

Lynne Miller

I think it's great if you can make it happen. Often with small children, there may not be much time together, working more than one job, not a lot of money, so date night may just have to be ice cream after the kids are in bed. When it's possible to have a regular date night, I think it's very helpful to keep a relationship fresh and romantic.

Thanks for asking!

Anita Munday

Yes, regular date nights are important. It gives you a chance to stay connected to each other, outside of the kids and chaos.

When you met, you dated, so just because you now have a family, it doesn't mean that you can't continue to date each other.

With kids, it may be hard to get out on a scheduled date night all the time.

However, even if you can't do it on a particular day every week, just be sure to schedule time for each other, no kids at all, and get out and do things that you enjoy together.

Not only does it keep the two of you connected as a couple, but it also keeps your relationship on the right path as you move forward in life as a family.

Will date night be important in my marriage?

Couples need to have regular whatever the occasion might be. It increases the couple's time spent with each other, which can lead to better family life.

Having a date night is indeed important in marriage. It helps you to create a sense of belonging and strengthens your marriage by keeping it alive.

You both can be on the same page with goals for the future. It also creates an environment where you can have fun together, crucial for a long-term relationship.

Also use these 8 Perfect Anniversary Date Night Ideas to help spice up date night.

Best Date Ever Summing-up

Marriage is a significant relationship for couples. 

It is the most critical thing in their lives. They should not be neglecting it.

Marriage can take many forms, but it involves two people who are committed to each other.

One of the essential parts of this commitment is spending time with your partner together.

Couples need to have date nights to keep their marriage healthy.

Date night is a time for couples to talk openly about their problems, goals, and interests.

It is crucial to have these conversations in a healthy environment without distractions to bond together in marriage.

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